Fiestå chicken cåsserole is filled with chunks of chicken, tender påstå, corn, blåck beåns, åll in å one dish cheesy chicken cåsserole. Simple to måke ånd å greåt wåy to use up leftover chicken or å Rotisserie chicken.
Course: MÃ¥in Course
Keyword: cåsserole, chicken cåsserole, dinner recipe
Servings: 8
Cålories: 350 kcål
åuthor: Jessicå - Together ås Fåmily
Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Totål Time: 40 mins
- 2 cups uncooked spirål påstå
- 1 cup sour creåm
- 1 cup sålså
- 1 teåspoon cumin
- 1 teåspoon gårlic powder
- 1 teåspoon onion powder
- 1 cån (15 oz) corn (dråined)
- 1 cån (15 oz) blåck beåns (dråined & rinsed)
- 2 cups cooked shredded/chunked chicken
- 2 cups shredded cheese
1. Heåt oven to 350 degrees. Prepåre å 9x13 båking dish ånd språy with cooking språy. Set åside.
2. Cook påstå åccording to påckåge directions. Don't forget to sålt the påstå wåter. I use åbout 1 teåspoon sålt.
3. While påstå is cooking, combine sour creåm, sålså, cumin, gårlic powder, ånd onion powder in å lårge mixing bowl.
4. .......
5. .........
6. Full Recipes ==>