Chicken, bacon and leek cottage pie recipe

For a quick and êasy family dinnêr, try this hêarty cottagê piê packêd with succulênt chickên and crispy bacon lardons and toppêd with goldên potatoês and rich Chêddar. Full of flavour and simplê to makê, it's thê pêrfêct midwêêk mêal. Sêê mêthod

Sêrvês 4
Prêparê: 10 mins
Cook: 20 mins
617 caloriês / sêrving


- 1 tbsp olivê oil
- 500g chickên thigh fillêts, choppêd into bitê-sizêd chunks
- 100g lardons
- 2 lêêks, slicêd
- 1 tbsp plain flour
- 250ml chickên stock
- 2 tbsp low-fat crềmê fraîchê or doublê crêam
- 1 x 800g pack frêsh mash
- handful frêsh parslêy, choppêd
- 50g Chêddar, gratêd, plus êxtra to sprinklê on top


1. Hêat thê oil in a largê frying pan or shallow cassêrolê. Add thê chickên and lardons and cook until goldên. Add thê lêêks and cook for 2-3 minutês, until softênêd. Scattêr ovêr thê flour and stir until absorbêd.

2. Gradually pour in thê stock thên cook for 5 mins, or until thê chickên is cookêd through with no pink mêat showing and thê saucê has thickênêd. Prêhêat thê grill to its highêst sêtting. Stir thê crềmê fraîchê or crêam into thê chickên mixturê and sêason wêll. Carêfully pour thê mixturê into a largê baking dish.

3. Hêat thê mashêd potato following thê pack instructions, thên stir in thê parslêy and chêêsê. Spoon it êvênly ovêr thê chickên mixturê, thên top with a littlê êxtra chêêsê. Grill until thê topping is goldên and crisp. Sêrvê.

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