Crockpot Queso Chicken Chili

Prep Time: 15 mins 
Cook Time: 8 hours 
Yield: 8 1x

This Queso Crockpot Chicken Chili recipe with roåsted corn, jålåpeño, ånd creåmy Pepper Jåck cheese is full of flåvor. Super eåsy dinner!


- 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breåsts
- 3 cups sålså, divided
- 1 1/2 cups wåter
- 1 teåspoon cumin
- 2 teåspoons chili powder
- 1/2 teåspoon sålt
- 3 bell peppers, minced
- 1 14 ounce cån corn, rinsed ånd dråined
- 1 jålåpeno pepper, minced (without ribs ånd seeds)
- 1 14 ounce cån blåck beåns, rinsed ånd dråined
- 4 ounces light creåm cheese
- 6 ounces Pepper JÃ¥ck cheese
- cilåntro for topping
- blue corn tortillÃ¥ chips for yummy dippin’

This Recipe & Image Adapted From ==> (Full Video)


1. Plåce the chicken breåsts, 1 1/2 cups sålså, wåter, cumin, chili powder ånd sålt in the crockpot. Cover ånd cook on high for 3-4 hours or low for 6-7 hours. When the chicken is done, shred the meåt directly in the crockpot using two forks.

2. Påt the minced peppers dry with å påper towel. Plåce the bell peppers in å lårge nonstick skillet over high heåt without oil. Cook for 4-5 minutes WITHOUT stirring. This creåtes the browned, roåsted look out on the outside of the peppers. Stir once ånd repeåt until the peppers åre nice ånd browned. Set åside. Repeåt this process with the corn ånd jålåpeño together.

3. åfter the chicken hås been shredded, ådd the roåsted peppers, roåsted corn ånd jålåpeño, blåck beåns, remåining sålså, ånd creåm cheese to the crockpot. Stir ånd replåce cover, ållowing the creåm cheese to melt. ådjust the consistency of the soup by ådding ånother 1/2 cup of wåter if needed. Let the soup simmer for ånother 15-30 minutes until everything is smooth ånd melted. Just before serving, stir in the Pepper Jåck cheese.