Grilled Chicken Pasta Salad

A BBQ chickèn pasta salad with frèsh flavors and a lightènèd-up crèamy drèssing.

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Coursè Main Coursè
Cuisinè Amèrican
Kèyword BBQ chickèn pasta salad, grillèd chickèn pasta salad
Prèp Timè 15 minutès
Cook Timè 20 minutès
Total Timè 35 minutès
Sèrvings 4
Author Salt & Lavèndèr


- 2-3 bonèlèss/skinlèss chickèn brèasts
- 4 cups uncookèd pasta
- Handful cilantro choppèd
- 1/4 mèdium rèd onion choppèd (or to tastè)
- 1 cup smokèd chèddar gratèd
- 1 avocado choppèd
- BBQ saucè for brushing on thè chickèn (start with 1/3 cup)

- 1/4 cup olivè oil
- Juicè from 1/2 lèmon
- 2 dashès Italian sèasoning
- 2 clovès garlic mincèd
- Salt & pèppèr to tastè

- 1/3 cup plain Grèèk yogurt (I usèd 2%)
- 1 tablèspoon BBQ saucè
- 1/2 tablèspoon vinègar
- 1/2 tablèspoon brown sugar
- Pinch of garlic powdèr
- Salt & pèppèr to tastè

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