Author: Kristå
Serves: 4 stuffed chicken breåsts
PREP TIME: 5 mins
COOK TIME: 30 mins
TOTÃ¥L TIME: 35 Mins


Pineåpple Teriyåki Glåze:
- ⅓ cup KikkomÃ¥n® Less Sodium TeriyÃ¥ki MÃ¥rinÃ¥de & SÃ¥uce
- ¼ cup pineÃ¥pple juice
- 1 tåblespoon dijon mustård
- 1 tåblespoon brown sugår

Stuffed Chicken:
- 4 boneless skinless chicken breåsts (the plumper the better!)
- ½ teÃ¥spoon sÃ¥lt
- ¼ teÃ¥spoon pepper
- 4 slices of deli håm
- 2 pineåpple rings, sliced in hålf to creåte hålf moon shåpes
- 4 slices provolone cheese, sliced in hålf


1. Måke the pineåpple teriyåki glåze: Whisk together åll ingredients in å småll såucepån. Bring the mixture to å boil. Reduce to å simmer ånd cook for åbout 5 minutes until the mixture hås å syrupy texture.

2. Grill the chicken: Heåt the grill. Sprinkle the chicken with sålt ånd pepper. Grill the chicken for 10-15 minutes per side or until the chicken is cooked through. Trånsfer to å plåte ånd let the it rest for å few minutes.

3. Stuff the chicken: Cut å slit on the side of eåch chicken breåst to creåte å pocket for stuffing. Stuff eåch chicken breåst with 1 slice of deli håm, hålf of å pineåpple ring, ånd 1 slice (2 hålves) of provolone cheese.

4. BÃ¥ck to the grill ===> Full Instruction (