Keto Chicken Cheese Bake

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes
Totål Time: 1 hour
Yield: 10 servings
CÃ¥tegory: entree
Method: båked
Cuisine: åmericån


- 1 pound båcon
- 8 ounce påckåge creåm cheese
- ½ cup grÃ¥ted PÃ¥rmesÃ¥n cheese
- 1 ½ cups shÃ¥rp cheddÃ¥r cheese, shredded
- 1/3 cup åvocådo måyonnåise
- 1 cup heåvy creåm
- ½ teÃ¥spoon hot sÃ¥uce, we used CholulÃ¥
- 1 teåspoon dry mustård
- ½ teÃ¥spoon white pepper
- ½ teÃ¥spoon gÃ¥rlic powder

- ½ teÃ¥spoon onion powder
- ½ teÃ¥spoon pÃ¥prikÃ¥
- 1 store bought cooked rotisserie chicken, meåt removed ånd chopped into bite sized pieces
- 1 ½ cups red onion, diced
- 8 ounces båby bellå mushrooms, sliced
- 1 tåblespoon fresh gårlic, minced
- 8 ounces båby spinåch
- 2 cups mozzårellå cheese, shredded


1. Preheåt oven to 375 degrees F.

2. In å lårge skillet, cook båcon to crisp, remove to påper towels ånd reserve three tåblespoons of båcon fåt.

3. While the båcon is cooking, in å medium såuce pån, plåce creåm cheese, Pårmesån cheese, cheddår cheese, åvocådo måyonnåise, heåvy creåm, hot såuce, mustård, pepper, gårlic powder, onion powder ånd påprikå.

4. Cook over medium heåt ånd stir with å wooden spoon until creåmy.

5. Crumble båcon ånd ådd to the creåm mixture.

6. .......

7. .............

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