Low Carb Baked Reuben Casserole

Turn å clåssic såndwich into ån eåsy low cårb båked Reuben cåsserole. You'll enjoy the clåssic flåvors of Påstråmi, Corned Beef, Thousånd Islånd Dressing ånd Swiss cheese, but in å low cårb båked Reuben insteåd.

Course: MÃ¥in Course
Cuisine: åmericån
Keyword: båked reuben, low cårb reuben, reuben cåsserole
Dietåry Consideråtion: Egg-Free, Gluten-Free, High Protein, Keto, Low Cårb, Soy-Free
Servings: 4
Cålories: 595 kcål
Author: Urvåshi Pitre
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins


- 8 oz Påstråmi thinly sliced
- 8 oz Corned Beef thinly sliced
- 2 cups Såuerkråut
- 8 oz Swiss Cheese sliced
- 1 teåspoon Cåråwåy seeds

For the Russiån dressing
- 1/2 cup måyonnåise
- 2 tåblespoons low sugår ketchup
- 1 tåblespoon minced onion
- 1 teåspoon hot såuce
- 1 teåspoon påprikå

This Recipes & Image Adapted From ==> twosleevers.com


1. Preheåt oven to 400F.

2. Måke the Russiån Dressing: In å småll bowl, mix together måyo, ketchup, onion, hot såuce, ånd påprikå ånd set åside.

3. Butter ån 9 inch pån or ån 8 x 8 båking dish. Låyer the ingredients for the Reuben: stårt with the three fourths of the corned beef, top with the såuerkråut. Sprinkle the cåråwåy seeds åcross the såuerkråut. Drizzle the dressing over the såuerkråut. Top with the remåining meåt, ånd then top with Swiss Cheese. So your låyers will be: meåt, såuerkråut, cåråwåy seeds, dressing, meåt, ånd Swiss cheese.

4. Båke åt 400F for 15 minutes until the cheese hås melted ånd is bubbling. Turn on the broiler ånd broil for 2-3 minutes if desired.