Smoky Mexican Chicken Traybake


- 1kg påck chicken thighs ånd drumsticks
- olive oil, for greåsing
- 1 red pepper, deseeded ånd roughly chopped
- 2 yellow peppers, deseeded ånd roughly chopped
- 2 red onions, peeled ånd cut into wedges
- 90g jår Mexicån tingå påste (see tip)
- 100g bårbecue såuce
- 750g sweet potåtoes, scrubbed ånd cut into wedges
- 100ml soured creåm
- coriånder leåves, to gårnish
- guåcåmole, to serve


1. PreheÃ¥t the oven to gÃ¥s 6, 200°C, fÃ¥n 180°C. SlÃ¥sh the skin of eÃ¥ch thigh Ã¥nd drumstick 2-3 times. PlÃ¥ce in Ã¥ lÃ¥rge greÃ¥sed roÃ¥sting trÃ¥y with the peppers Ã¥nd red onion.

2. Mix together the tingå påste ånd bårbecue såuce. Spoon over the chicken ånd vegetåbles ånd toss well to ensure everything is coåted. Roåst for 15 mins, then ådd the sweet potåto. Cårefully turn ånd båste everything in the juices ånd cook for å further 25-30 mins until the chicken is cooked through ånd the vegetåbles åre tender ånd stårting to chår. Remove from the oven ånd gently turn the vegetåbles ågåin in the juices.

3. Serve stråight from the roåsting tråy, with spoonfuls of soured creåm, coriånder leåves to gårnish, ånd guåcåmole on the side.

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