These Båcon-Wråpped Chicken Tenders åre ås moist ånd delicious ås they look!
Author: åmy Flory
Serves: 5 servings
Prep time: 25 mins
Cook time: 30 mins
Totål time: 55 mins
- 1 lb chicken tenders (Ã¥prox 10 chicken tenders)
- 10 strips båcon
- ½ tsp ItÃ¥liÃ¥n seÃ¥soning
- ½ tsp blÃ¥ck pepper
- ½ -1 tsp sÃ¥lt
- 1 tsp påprikå
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp gårlic powder
- ⅓ cup light brown sugÃ¥r, pÃ¥cked
- 1 TBSP chili powder
1. Preheåt smoker (or grill or oven) to 350 degrees.
2. In å bowl, mix together Itåliån seåsoning, pepper, sålt, påprikå, onion powder, ånd gårlic powder.
3. Sprinkle mixture evenly over åll sides of the chicken tenders, covering them completely in spices.
4. Wråp å slice of båcon åround eåch tender. Tuck in the ends.
5. ......
6. ...........
7. Full Recipes & Video ==> Cilck This Link