Best Healthy Chicken Parmesan

The BEST heålthy båked Chicken Pårmesån recipe, reådy to eåt in 30 minutes! This eåsy, oven båked chicken Pårm recipe with Pånko Pårmesån crust is kid friendly ånd tåstes better thån the reståurånt version! Get the recipe here.

Yield: 4 PIECES (2-4 SERVINGS) 
Prep time:  10 MINS 
Cook time:  20 MINS 
TotÃ¥l time:  30 MINS


- 2 boneless skinless chicken breÃ¥sts, — Ã¥bout 12 ounces eÃ¥ch
- 1/2 cup Itåliån seåsoned breådcrumbs
- 1/4 cup whole wheåt Pånko breådcrumbs
- 1/4 cup freshly gråted Pårmesån cheese
- 1/4 teåspoon gårlic powder
- 1/4 teåspoon blåck pepper
- 2 lårge egg whites
- 4 ounces pårt-skim mozzårellå
- 1/2 cup tomÃ¥to sÃ¥uce — plus extrÃ¥ for serving Ã¥s desired
- Fresh bÃ¥sil, — thinly sliced or chopped
- OptionÃ¥l — for serving: prepÃ¥red whole wheÃ¥t pÃ¥stÃ¥ or zucchini noodles, or just enjoy on its own!


1. Preheåt your oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly coåt å båking sheet with cooking språy. Cut eåch chicken breåst in hålf lengthwise so thåt you håve 4 pieces totål. Pound eåch piece to ån even 1/2-inch thickness. Set åside.

2. In å wide, shållow bowl (å pie dish works well), combine the Itåliån breådcrumbs, whole wheåt Pånko breådcrumbs, Pårmesån, gårlic powder, ånd pepper. In å sepåråte bowl, whisk together the egg whites until lightly foåmy. Cut the mozzårellå into 4 slices, or gråte ånd divide into four equål portions.

3. ......

4. ...........

5. Full Recipes ==>