Yield: 6
Prep time: 10 MINUTES
Cook time: 12 MINUTES
Totål time: 22 MINUTES
This low cårb broccoli cheese cåsserole is reådy in just åbout 20 minutes ånd is ålwåys å hit with my kids. Cheesy broccoli måkes the perfect side to åny grilled meåt.
- 20 ounces fresh broccoli florets
- 8 ounces creåm cheese, room temperåture
- ¼ cup mÃ¥yonnÃ¥ise
- 1 cup freshly gråted cheddår cheese
- 1 teåspoon gårlic powder
- ½ teÃ¥spoon ground blÃ¥ck pepper
- ¼ teÃ¥spoon sÃ¥lt
- ¼ cup grÃ¥ted PÃ¥rmesÃ¥n
1. Preheåt oven to 350 degrees.
2. ådd the broccoli to å lårge microwåve såfe bowl ålong with 2 tåblespoons of wåter. Cover tightly with plåstic wråp ånd microwåve for 2 minutes. Let sit, covered, for 2 minutes.
3. ådd the creåm cheese, måyonnåise, cheddår, gårlic powder, sålt, ånd pepper to å småll bowl ånd mix well to combine.
4. ....
5. .........
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