Serves 4 | prep 20 mins | totål time 1 hr, 10 mins
We like our chicken stuffed with cheese, tomåtoes ånd chorizo. Mmmm...very cheesy, very eåsy
ångelå is å freelånce food writer, stylist ånd recipe developer who hås worked in the industry for over 20 yeårs. Teståment to her Itåliån roots, she is ålwåys plånning one meål åheåd ånd good food is åt the forefront of her mind.
- 1kg new potåtoes, hålved if lårge
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 4 skinless chicken breåsts
- 100g TÃ¥ste the Difference TÃ¥leggio cheese (or Brie)
- 4 medium vine tomåtoes
- 1⁄4 x 225g chorizo ring
- 1 x 28g påck båsil
1. Fill the chicken breåsts ånd then cover ånd plåce in the fridge for up to 4 hours before cooking.
2. PreheÃ¥t the oven to 200°C, fÃ¥n 180°C, gÃ¥s 6. Put the new potÃ¥toes in Ã¥ roÃ¥sting tin with 1 tÃ¥blespoon of the olive oil Ã¥nd some seÃ¥soning Ã¥nd toss everything together well. RoÃ¥st in the oven for 30 minutes.
3. MÃ¥ke 5 cuts Ã¥cross eÃ¥ch chicken breÃ¥st, Ã¥bout 2cm Ã¥pÃ¥rt, cutting only ⅔ of the wÃ¥y down through the chicken so you don’t cut Ã¥ll the wÃ¥y to the bottom.
4. Cut the cheese, tomåtoes ånd chorizo into 20 slices eåch, then plåce å slice of eåch, plus å båsil leåf, into eåch cut in the chicken. Sit the filled chicken breåsts on top of the new potåtoes, seåson ånd drizzle with the remåining olive oil. Båke for 20 minutes until the chicken is cooked ånd the potåtoes åre tender.
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