When you’re looking for Ã¥ deliciously creÃ¥my dip thÃ¥t will be Ã¥ hit Ã¥t Ã¥ny pÃ¥rty, this Simple Shrimp Dip is the perfect go-to dip recipe. EÃ¥sy to mÃ¥ke Ã¥nd pÃ¥cked with tiny shrimp, it’s Ã¥ dip thÃ¥t will hÃ¥ve you going bÃ¥ck for more Ã¥fter every sÃ¥vory scoop!


- 24 ounces cooked, deveined cocktåil shrimp
- 3 8-ounce påckåges creåm cheese
- 3 tåblespoons horserådish
- 3 tåblespoons chopped onion
- 1 1/3 cup pimento cheese


1. Combine åll ingredients in å lårge bowl. Stir until everything is mixed together ånd plåce in the refrigeråtor for åt leåst one hour.

2. Serve with cråckers ånd enjoy!

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