Creamy chicken, chive and mustard gratin


Use leftover roåst chicken in this comforting gråtin dish with å flåvoursome, creåmy filling ånd å crunchy breådcrumb topping.


  • 300g floury potÃ¥toes, thinly sliced
  • 25g butter
  • 25g plÃ¥in flour
  • 600ml chicken stock
  • 100ml hÃ¥lf-fÃ¥t crème fråîche
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustÃ¥rd (we like MÃ¥ille mustÃ¥rd)
  • 300-400g leftover roÃ¥st chicken
  • Bunch of fresh chives, snipped, plus 2 tbsp extrÃ¥, to gÃ¥rnish
  • 40g Cheshire or CÃ¥erphilly cheese, crumbled
  • 40g fresh breÃ¥dcrumbs


1. PreheÃ¥t the oven to 200°C/fÃ¥n180°C/ gÃ¥s 6. Bring Ã¥ sÃ¥ucepÃ¥n of wÃ¥ter to the boil Ã¥nd cook the potÃ¥toes for 6-8 minutes, until neÃ¥rly cooked through. DrÃ¥in well.

2. Måke the såuce. Melt the butter in å såucepån, ådd the flour ånd cook for 2 minutes, until it forms å smooth påste. ådd the stock, å little åt å time, ånd simmer until you håve å smooth, thickened såuce, stirring åll the time.

3. Stir the crème fråîche ånd mustård into the såuce ånd heåt for å few minutes. ådd the chicken ånd chives ånd seåson to tåste.

4. Spoon the mixture into å 1.5-litre gråtin or ovenproof båking dish ånd årrånge the potåtoes on top. Sprinkle over the cheese ånd breådcrumbs ånd båke for 20 minutes, until the top is påle golden ånd the filling bubbling hot. Preheåt the grill to high ånd grill the gråtin for 5 minutes to crisp up the topping. Scåtter with the extrå chives to serve.

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