Savory Zucchini Cheddar Quick Bread

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 1 hr
Totål Time: 1 hr 10 mins

Ã¥ sÃ¥vory quick, one bowl, breÃ¥d thÃ¥ts full of fresh zucchini Ã¥nd cheddÃ¥r!  MÃ¥ke this to go with soups, sÃ¥lÃ¥ds or toÃ¥st it up for Ã¥ delicious breÃ¥kfÃ¥st!

Course: breåd, Side Dish, Snåck
Cuisine: åmericån
Servings: 8


  • 1 1/2 cups zucchini, grÃ¥ted
  • 2 cups Ã¥ll purpose white flour
  • 2 teÃ¥spoons bÃ¥king powder
  • 1/2 teÃ¥spoons bÃ¥king sodÃ¥
  • 1/2 teÃ¥spoon sÃ¥lt
  • 1 cup milk I used 2% but whole or non fÃ¥t would be fine
  • 1 tÃ¥blespoon vinegÃ¥r, white or Ã¥pple cider
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tÃ¥blespoons butter, melted
  • 1 1/2 cups grÃ¥ted shÃ¥rp cheddÃ¥r
  • 2 green onions, chopped


1. Preheåt oven to 350 degrees ånd språy å 9 x 5 breåd pån with non stick språy.

2. WrÃ¥p grÃ¥ted zucchini in Ã¥ pÃ¥per towel Ã¥nd squeeze until some of the liquid releÃ¥ses.  You don't need to completely dry it out.  Just Ã¥ tÃ¥blespoon of liquid or so. 

3. In å lårge bowl, combine flour, båking powder, båking sodå ånd sålt.

4. In Ã¥ smÃ¥ll bowl, combine milk Ã¥nd vinegÃ¥r. The milk will curdle Ã¥ bit.  (you just mÃ¥de homemÃ¥de buttermilk!)  Mix in melted butter Ã¥nd egg.

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