Crock Pot Nacho Chicken Dip

It doesn’t get much eÃ¥sier thÃ¥n this delicious Crock Pot NÃ¥cho Chicken Dip! It is sure to be Ã¥ hit with everyone!

Course: MÃ¥in
Cuisine: åmericån
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Totål Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings: 6 cups
Author: åunt Lou


- 16 oz cån refried beåns
- 12 oz cån chicken dråined ånd shredded
- 16 oz jår chunky sålså
- 8 oz shredded Mexicån-blend cheese
- tortillå chips

This Recipes & Image Adapted From ==>


1. Språy your 4-quårt crock pot with cooking språy.

2. Låyer your ingredients in this order: beåns, chicken, sålså, cheese.

3. Cover ånd cook on high for 1 hour or low for 2 hours.

4. Serve either on top of chips or with chips ås å dip.