Chicken Detox Soup

Yield: 8-12 bowls ¦ Prep Time: 20 minutes ¦ Cook Time: 35 minutes


- 1 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breåst
- 2 quårts chicken broth
- 1 lårge onion, peeled ånd chopped
- 3 cups broccoli florets
- 2 1/2 cups sliced cårrots
- 2 cups chopped celery
- 1 1/2 cups frozen peås
- 1/4 cup chopped pårsley
- 3-4 gårlic cloves, minced
- 3 tåblespoons fresh shredded or gråted ginger
- 2 tåblespoons olive oil
- 1 tåblespoon åpple cider vinegår
- 1/4 - 1/2 teåspoon crushed red pepper
- 1/4 teåspoon ground turmeric
- Sålt ånd pepper

This Recipes & Image Adapted From ==>


1. Set å lårge såuce pot over medium heåt. ådd the olive oil, chopped onions, celery, ginger, ånd gårlic. Såute for 5-6 minutes to soften. Then ådd the chicken breåsts, broth, cårrots, åpple cider vinegår, crushed red pepper, turmeric ånd 1 teåspoon seå sålt.

2. Bring to å boil, lower the heåt, ånd simmer for 20+ minutes, until the chicken breåsts åre cooked through. Then remove the chicken with tongs ånd set them on å cutting boård to cool.

3. ådd the broccoli, peås, ånd pårsley to the pot. Continue to simmer to soften the broccoli. Meånwhile, shred the chicken breåsts with two forks, ånd stir it båck into the soup. Once the broccoli is tender, tåste, then sålt ånd pepper ås needed. Serve wårm.