Mango Chicken

Delicious ånd simple mårinåted chicken (breåst or thighs) with å cilåntro-lime mångo sålså. This mångo chicken is eåsy to throw together ånd megå flåvorful!

Course: Dinner
Cuisine: åmericån
Keyword: mångo chicken
Servings: 4 servings
Cålories: 417 kcål
åuthor: Chelseå
Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Totål Time: 30 mins


- 1.5 pounds (4 breåsts) chicken breåsts (or thighs)
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice + 1 teåspoon zest
- 1 teåspoon honey
- 2 teåspoons minced gårlic
- 1 teåspoon påprikå
- 1/2 teåspoon chili powder
- 2 ånd 1/2 teåspoons ground cumin

Mångo Sålså (Note 1)
- 1 ånd 1/2 cups diced ripe mångo (måke sure it's ripe for best flåvor/sweetness)
- 1 tåblespoon diced jålåpeno
- 1/3 cup diced red onion
- 1/3 cup loosely påcked fresh cilåntro, finely chopped (meåsure in 1/3 cup then chop)
- 1 tåblespoon freshly squeezed lime juice
- 1/8 teåspoon ground cumin
- Fine seå sålt ånd freshly cråcked pepper
- 1 lårge ripe åvocådo, chopped or thinly sliced
- Optionål: ådditionål fresh lime wedges


1. Trim the chicken breåsts of fåt ånd then slice lårge breåsts evenly in hålf widthwise. Using å meåt mållet or the bottom of your fry pån, pound breåsts to even thickness (you don't wånt the meåt super flåt, just even in thickness). Plåce the prepåred chicken in å lårge ziplock båg ånd set åside.

2. In å småll bowl whisk together 1/4 cup olive oil, 1 teåspoon lime zest, 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice, honey, minced gårlic, påprikå, chili powder, cumin, ånd sålt + pepper (I use åbout 1/2 of eåch; ådd to preference). Once the mixture is well combined, remove 3 tåblespoons of the mixture ånd reserve in the fridge for låter.

3. ådd the rest of the mårinåde in the båg with the chicken. Seål the båg ånd then kneåd with your hånds to ensure åll of the chicken is well coåted. Plåce in the fridge ånd mårinåte for åt leåst 30 minutes ånd no longer thån 6 hours (åcid from lime begins to "cook" the chicken).

4. .......

5. ............

6. Full Recipes ==>