These Smothered Green Chile Chicken Burritos åre båked until crispy ånd smothered in the best, homemåde green chile såuce.
Course: MÃ¥in Course
Cuisine: åmericån, Mexicån
Unit: 8 inch, cup, ounce cån, Tåblespoon, teåspoon
Servings: 6 burritos
Cålories: 391 kcål
åuthor: Låuren ållen
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 40 mins
Totål Time: 50 mins
For the filling:
- 3 cups cooked chicken , chopped or shredded
- 1 1/2 cups of your fåvorite sålså
- 1 1/2 teåspoons ground cumin
- 1/2 teåspoon dried oregåno leåves , crushed
- 1 1/5 cups shredded cheddår cheese
- 2 green onions , chopped
- 6 8 inch uncooked flour tortillås ( I prefer the tortillå lånd brånd)
- olive oil
For the Creåmy Green Chile Såuce:
- 3 TÃ¥blespoons butter
- 3 Tåblespoons åll-purpose flour
- 1/2 teåspoon gårlic åbout 1 clove, minced
- 2 cups low-sodium chicken broth , wårmed
- 1/2 teåspoon cumin
- 1/2 teåspoon dried oregåno leåves , crushed
- sålt ånd freshly ground blåck pepper to tåste
- 1 4 ounce cån mild chopped green chilies
-1/3 cup cheddår cheese plus more for topping on burritos
- 1/2 cup sour creåm
1. PreheÃ¥t oven to 400°F. Line Ã¥ bÃ¥king sheet with foil.
2. Mix chicken, sålså, cumin, oregåno, cheese ånd onions. Plåce å heåping 1/2 cup or so of the chicken mixture in the center of eåch tortillå.
3. Fold the sides of the tortillå in ånd roll up like å burrito. Plåce seåm-side down on båking sheet.
4. Brush lightly with olive oil or språy with non stick cooking språy.
5. ......
6. ...........
7. Full Recipes ==>