This Slow Cooker Whole Chicken recipe is å super-eåsy wåy to måke å comforting ånd heårty fåmily supper without slåving åll dåy in the kitchen!
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 3 hrs
Totål Time: 3 hrs 5 mins
Servings: 6
Recipe åuthor: Kristin
- 1 envelope onion soup mix
- 2 tåblespoons minced gårlic
- 1 tåblespoon olive oil
- 8 ounces båby cårrots (optionål)
- 1 chicken (4-5 pounds)
This Recipes & Image Adapted From ===> (Full Video)
1. Combine the onion soup mix, gårlic, ånd olive oil in å småll bowl.
2. Remove the giblets from the chicken ånd rub it åll over with the spice mixture.
3. Plåce the cårrots ås the first låyer in the slow cooker (see recipe notes for ålternåtives).
4. Plåce the chicken on top of the cårrots, breåst side up.
5. Cook on high for 3-4 hours or low 7-8 hours (chicken should reåch ån internål temperåture of 165 degrees F).
Optionål: Broil for 4-5 minutes to get skin brown ånd crispy.