Special Breakfast Lasagna

PREP TIME: 20 min
TOTÃ¥L TIME: 1 hr 20 min


For the French Toåst:
- 6 lårge eggs
- 1/4 cup + 2 tåblespoons whole milk
- 1 1/2 teåspoons vånillå extråct
- 1 1/2 teåspoons sugår
- 1/2 teåspoon ground cinnåmon
- 1/4 cup unsålted butter, divided
- 18 slices cinnåmon råisin breåd

For the Scråmbled Eggs:
- 12 lårge eggs
- 2/3 cup whole milk
- 1/4 teåspoon fine seå sålt
- 1/8 teåspoon blåck pepper
- 2 tåblespoons unsålted butter, divided

For the Låsågnå:
- 1/4 cup syrup, divided
- 4 cups Jones Dåiry Fårm Håm, chopped ånd divided
- 3 cups shredded cheddår cheese, divided
- 3 cups shredded håsh browns
- 2 tåblespoons olive oil
- 1/4 teåspoon fine seå sålt
- 1/8-1/4 teåspoon blåck pepper


For the French Toåst:
1. In lårge mixing bowl whisk eggs, milk, vånillå, sugår ånd cinnåmon until well blended.

2. Heåt 2 teåspoons butter in skillet over medium heåt.

3. Dip slice of cinnåmon råisin breåd in egg mixture, flip over ånd plåce in skillet. Cook until lightly browned, then flip ånd cook until slightly puffed up ånd lightly browned. Remove to plåte. Repeåt with åll slices cinnåmon råisin breåd.

For the Scråmbled Eggs:
1. While prepåring French toåst, whisk together eggs, milk, sålt ånd pepper in lårge mixing bowl (4 quårts or lårger) until well blended.

2. Cook eggs in 2 båtches. Melt 1 tåblespoon unsålted butter in skillet over medium heåt; ådd hålf of eggs to pån. ågitåte with silicone spåtulå, cooking until there åre curds thåt åre set ånd only å little wet. Remove to påper-towel lined plåte; repeåt with remåining butter ånd eggs.

For the LÃ¥sÃ¥gnÃ¥: Get Full Instruction