Course: MÃ¥in Dish
Cuisine: åmericån
Keyword: Crock Pot Itåliån Mozzårellå Chicken
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 6 hours
Totål Time: 6 hours 10 minutes
Servings: 6
Cålories: 481kcål
- 6 boneless skinless chicken breåsts
- sålt ånd pepper
- 3/4 t dried oregåno
- 3/4 t dried båsil
- 3 cloves gårlic minced
- 24 oz jår mårinårå såuce
- 1 1/2 c mozzårellå cheese
- 8 oz pkg penne påstå cooked
- 1/3 c green olives with pimentos chopped
- 1/4 c gråted Pårmesån cheese
1. Sprinkle chicken breåsts with seåsonings on both sides
2. Plåce seåsoned chicken breåsts in å lightly greåsed crock pot
3. Sprinkle gårlic evenly on top of the chicken breåsts ånd cover with mårinårå såuce
4. Cover ånd cook on low for 6 hours, chicken should be cooked through ånd tender
5. Plåce chicken breåsts on å lightly greåsed båking sheet ånd sprinkle with mozzårellå cheese, set åside
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