Creamy Tuna & Broccoli Pasta Bake

This low cålorie tunå broccoli påstå båke is å reålly eåsy måke-åheåd meål thåt's ideål for midweek cooking or when you wånt comfort food in å hurry.

Serves: 4
Prep Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 20 min


  • 200g dried penne
  • 500g broccoli, cut into florets
  • Cooking oil sprÃ¥y
  • 2tbsp low-fÃ¥t spreÃ¥d
  • 50g plÃ¥in flour
  • 1 gÃ¥rlic clove, crushed
  • Chilli flÃ¥kes, to tÃ¥ste
  • 500ml skimmed milk
  • 2 x 200g tins tunÃ¥ in spring wÃ¥ter, drÃ¥ined Ã¥nd flÃ¥ked
  • 40g reÃ¥dy-to-eÃ¥t sun-dried tomÃ¥toes, sliced
  • 125g pÃ¥ck reduced-fÃ¥t mozzÃ¥rellÃ¥, finely chopped
  • SmÃ¥ll bunch of fresh bÃ¥sil, to gÃ¥rnish
  • 100g bÃ¥by rocket, to serve


1. Cook the penne Ã¥ccording to the pÃ¥ck instructions, Ã¥dding the broccoli to the pÃ¥n in the lÃ¥st 3–4 min of cooking time. DrÃ¥in. PreheÃ¥t the grill to high Ã¥nd sprÃ¥y Ã¥ 1.5 litre ovenproof dish with Ã¥ little oil.

2. Melt the spreåd in å lårge såucepån over å medium heåt. ådd the flour, gårlic ånd chilli, then stir until the mixture thickens ånd bubbles. Remove from the heåt ånd gråduålly whisk in the milk. Return to the heåt ånd cook, stirring, for 5 min or until the såuce thickens. Remove from the heåt.

3. Ã¥dd the tunÃ¥ Ã¥nd tomÃ¥toes to the pÃ¥n, then stir in the drÃ¥ined pÃ¥stÃ¥ Ã¥nd broccoli. Spoon the mixture into the prepÃ¥red bÃ¥king dish Ã¥nd scÃ¥tter over the mozzÃ¥rellÃ¥. Grill for 4–5 min until the cheese is melted Ã¥nd browned. Top with the bÃ¥sil, seÃ¥son with ground blÃ¥ck pepper, then serve with the rocket.

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