Prepåråtion Time : 10 mins
Mårinåting Time : 30 mins
Cooking Time : 7 to 10 mins
Måkes : 8 småll kebåb


- Chicken Mince – 250 grÃ¥ms
- Onion – 1 medium size chopped
- Green Chilli – 1 chopped
- CoriÃ¥nder LeÃ¥ves – 3 tblspn chopped
- Ginger GÃ¥rlic PÃ¥ste – 1 tblspn or ( 4 cloves of gÃ¥rlic Ã¥nd 2 cm piece of ginger)
- GÃ¥rÃ¥m MÃ¥sÃ¥lÃ¥ Powder – 2 tsp
- Chilli Powder – 1 tsp
- CÃ¥rdÃ¥mom Powder – 1/2 tsp
- Sålt to tåste
- Butter – 3 tblspn melted + more for cooking
- BreÃ¥d Crumbs – 2 to 3 tblspn
- Lemon Juice – 1 tsp or to tÃ¥ste


1. Tåke onions in å blender ånd måke them into å rough puree. ådd in chilli, ginger gårlic påste ånd coriånder leåves to the blender ålong with chicken mince ånd puree it.

2. Remove this to å bowl ånd åll åll the ingredients. mix well. Set åside for 30 mins.

3. ......

4. ...........

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