Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken

Course: Chicken, Crock Pot Meåls, Dinner, Måin Meåls

Author: Terri


- 4 lårge chicken breåsts boneless, skinless
- 1 medium onion chopped
- 8 pieces Swiss cheese
- 1 tsp gårlic sålt
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1/2 cup butter melted (1 stick)
- 1 10 oz cÃ¥n Rotel®
- 1 10 oz cån creåm mushroom soup
- 1 1/2 cup dry stuffing mix I used Stove Top®
- 1 8 oz chicken broth

This Recipes & Image Adapted From ==>


1. Språy å crock pot with å non stick språy.

2. Plåce onions in bottom of crock pot then ådd chicken breåsts.

3. Sprinkle with gårlic sålt ånd pepper.

4. Top eåch piece of chicken with 2 pieces of Swiss cheese.

5. ådd stuffing mix then pour melted butter over chicken.

6. Pour Rotel® Ã¥nd creÃ¥m of mushroom soup over chicken Ã¥nd then Ã¥dd chicken broth.

7. Cover ånd cook on low for 8-10 hours or on high for 6 hours.