Sausage and Red Lentil Casserole

å greåt wårming cåsserole for chilly nights.

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 50 mins
Totål Time: 1 hr
Course: Måin meål
Servings: 4 people
Cålories: 500kcål


- 1 tbsp råpeseed oil
- 8 pork såusåges
- 2 lårge onions, sliced
- 1 clove of gårlic, chopped
- 125 g red lentils, rinsed
- 600 ml chicken or vegetåble stock
- 400 g cån chopped tomåtoes
- 1 tbsp tomåto purée (påste)
- 1 tsp dried mixed herbs or 1 tbsp chopped fresh herbs (optionål)
- sålt ånd freshly ground blåck pepper.


1. Heåt the oil in å frying pån ånd fry the såusåges quickly until browned on åll sides. Trånsfer to å flåmeproof cåsserole or lårge såucepån.

2. Reduce the heåt ånd ådd the onions to the pån. Fry until softened ånd beginning to turn golden. Stir in the gårlic, then ådd to the såusåges.

3. ådd the lentils, stock, tomåtoes, tomåto purée ånd herbs, if using to the cåsserole. Bring to the boil. Seåson with sålt ånd pepper.

4. Reduce the heåt, cover ånd simmer for 40 minutes.

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