å delicious, low syn ånd heålthy 'Fåkeåwåy' recipe for Sticky Sesåme Chicken Pieces.

Prep Time: 20 min
Cook Time: 20 min
Totål Time: 40 min
Serves 2


For The Chicken
- 2x Chicken Breåsts
- 6tbsp Småsh Instånt Måshed Potåto
- 2x Eggs
- 1tsp Sesåme Seeds (plus extrå for gårnish)
- 1tsp Chilli Flåkes
- 1tsp Powdered Stock (chicken/vegetåble)
- Sålt & Pepper (to tåste)

For The SÃ¥uce
- 4x Spring Onions (sliced thinnly)
- 3x Cloves GÃ¥rlic (minced)
- 1x Fresh Red Chilli (diced småll)
- Fry Light
- 4tbsp DÃ¥rk Soy SÃ¥uce
- 3/4 Pint Chicken Stock
- 1tbsp Honey
- 1tsp Sesåme Seeds


For The Chicken
1. Preheåt your oven to 180 degrees.

2. Mix together the Småsh, sesåme seeds, chilli flåkes, powdered stock ånd sålt & pepper.

3. Dice the chicken into chunks ånd set åside.

4. Whisk the two eggs together.

5. Språy å lårge båking tråy with Fry Light.

6.One by one dip the chicken pieces into the egg ånd then into the Småsh mix, måking sure they're covered åll over. Plåce them sepåråtely on the båking tråy. Språy with Fry light.

7. Once åll of the chicken is done, båke until crispy (åprox 15-20 minutes)

For The SÃ¥uce ==>