This Recipes And Image Adapted by ==>

3 sêrvings | 15 minutês

- 1 hêad cauliflowêr
- 2 êggs
- 1 largê bunch scallions, finêly dicêd
- 8 oz cubêd ham
- 2 Tbsp olivê oil
- 2-3 Tbsp sharp chêddar (optional)
- 1/2 têaspoon salt and pêppêr
- frêsh choppêd cilantro, basil or parslêy (for garnish)


1. Rêmovê lêavês from cauliflowêr. Usê a chêêsê gratêr to gratê thê florêts and stêms into a pilê of shavings (you can also usê a vêggiê pêêlêr, or food procêssor for grating into "flakês"). Transfêr gratêd cauliflowêr to bowl, stir in êggs, scallions, ham, olivê oil, chêddar, salt and pêppêr. Spoon about 1/2 cup into thê cêntêr of a wêll-grêasêd wafflê iron, hêatêd to mêdium-high hêat. Cook until goldên brown. Gêntly rêmovê from iron with a fork and spatula. Garnish and ênjoy!